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Alpujarra Brothers are a group of men who have come together to build trust and comradeship with the aim of modelling healthy male behaviour. We meet up on a weekly basis to support each other in order to support the community. Part of the New Mankind movement, we are inspired by and modelled on ‘A Band of Brothers’(ABOB), a UK charity.

Saving the world one man at a time

In the UK ABOB support men of all ages, all walks of life and all over the country, through mentoring, initiations and weekly meetings of local groups. ABOB also works with the probation service and is extremely successful in helping troubled young men to turn their lives around.

Here in Spain, the Alpujarra Brothers have been meeting since 2018. We work together at becoming the men we want to be: emotionally balanced and mature, capable of looking after ourselves and others, men of honour and integrity. We strive to be better fathers, better partners, better friends, but above all better men.

Healthy men for a healthy society

We are now in a position to offer our services to the local community. At this point this is restricted to the English speaking community and men of age but in the longer term we want to grow into running a Spanish language group as well as reaching out to teenage boys. On an individual basis some of our members do so already. What we offer is mentoring services for young men, community support and rite of passage/initiation weekends for men of any age.

Why are we here?

Men’s Group

What we offer

As a group we aim to model healthy male behaviour. In our weekly meetings we work on ourselves and support each other in that work. From this we draw strength and experience enabling us to offer the following:


Several of our members are available as mentors for younger men. This is one on one work over a period of time and it requires a strong willingness and commitment from the mentored man. Within the context of our group we have received mentoring training from both ABOB as well as individual elders of the New Mankind movement. This is further strengthened by professional individual expertise and experience of members of AB. Furthermore, whilst the mentoring sessions are one on one, each mentor is supported by the group as a whole. Apart from supporting the young man being mentored in his life and life choices we also aim to ready him for initiation (see below).

Mentoring philosophy:

We are working on the premise that raised awareness and self-reflection is the path to empowerment and transformation. We’re helping young men gain a wider and more objective perspective on their everyday world. We are also helping them understand the role that they play in creating their own reality and the potential impact they could choose to make in changing it for the better. We’re helping them put words to feelings and become more in touch with and conscious of these powerful forces.

We are raising awareness and broadening perspective both. Most adult learning involves a certain amount of unlearning but our task as mentors is never about making him wrong, rather more about pointing out options and future choices that he perhaps hadn’t realised or thought about before – in that sense we are opening up his “possibility sphere”, bringing in other angles and showing that we always have choices in how we respond. Once these choices are made we work with weekly goals.

For the mentoring process to be successful there needs to be trust, and this trust needs to be earned. In order to do so we strive to lead by example, to be men of integrity, to practice what we preach. Being a good role model goes beyond the mentoring process.

Here are some key questions that we might ask in the mentoring process.

Please feel free to ponder these in regard to yourself:

What’s motivating you to stay out of trouble?
Who are the key people in your life?
What are the relationships that need repairing?
What are your major regrets?
What is a realistic short-term plan/strategy?
What inspires you in life?

Initiations/Rite of passage:

Male initiation is vital in building a safe and strong community. We are honoured to offer this service here in the Alpujarra:

In traditional societies rite-of-passage rituals were very well established, but very few modern men have gone through a meaningful initiation. It’s never too late, you can make that step at any age from 18 years onwards. Initiation is open to any man who is willing to “go there” and explore his inner-self, even if it involves making himself vulnerable.

Our Initiations are run as weekend retreats, away from familiar surroundings and away from contact with the outside world (except emergencies). They are staffed by volunteers, all of whom have gone through initiation themselves. No-one benefits financially from these weekends and they are fully self-funded.

What we actually do at the weekends will be a surprise, but expect a journey into positive manhood. For most of us our initiation has been a life-changing experience.

Community support:

It takes a whole community to rear a child. Where that has been missing we hope to step in. Also, as a strong group of willing and able men we offer support for local institutions and individuals, this can be in form of work days or whatever else may be needed. Occasionally we organise cultural events, talks or open evenings.

Weekly meetings:

As what we do at our meetings is based on trust, confidentiality and the willingness to make oneself vulnerable and ‘go there’, we require a safe container and are therefore a closed group. The first step to joining is going through the initiation. Initiated men can then request to join the group and go through an induction process, being handed the tools and shown how to use them. At our open evenings you can meet our elders when they act as guest speakers.

Wisdom of elders:

We are constantly being supported and trained by elders of the New Mankind movement and thus one of the points of dissemination of this beautiful transformative, both on a personal as well as a social level, a movement.

Mentoring young men

About Us

Why do we need men’s groups?

There is a pronounced lack of positive male role models in society as a whole. Lonely, angry, selfish, old yet immature men are somehow in charge of running countries, corporations and cultural institutions and the result is a disaster. Greed overrules cooperation, short term thinking is put before the consideration of future generations. Violence and war are accepted as being legitimate and representative of human nature. What we think of as the ‘normal’ state of affairs is really an imbalance. Destruction and aggression rather than nurturing and caring are found in society as a whole as well as in the personalities of many individual men. Whilst it would be oversimplifying to link all the wrongs of the world to Imbalanced masculinity, healing men might yet proof to be one of the most effective tools in saving the world

As it stands it is very difficult for anyone to see a way forward in this overly complex dog-eat-dog world . But young men especially lack guidance. There are very few good, loving and capable male role models in the public sphere. Healthy men are hard to find.

On a local level in the Alpujarras, many of us have come here to rediscover community, a simpler life and quite possibly aspects of a more traditional life. The irony is that for some of our young men being torn away from their country, a parent, wider family, friends, and/or a familiar cultural context can be quite isolating. There is also a very high proportion of children with no father figure present, be it physically or emotionally.

The Alpujarra Brothers seek to offer guidance, support and hope to young men locally. We are also a solid community of men that others can join.

Imbalanced masculinity

Men are incapable of dealing with their emotions

Even though this is clearly a false belief, in practise it too often seems to be proven right. In many male peer groups emotionally open men are looked down upon. Many of us were actually taught to suppress emotions and often it seems to be the safe thing to do. But it’s not.

Avoiding grief, anger or fear means losing out on joy too.

And what is not felt often comes to the surface in damaging ways: toxic behaviour, aggression, addiction and/or ill health. This has terrible consequences for the men in question, their loved ones and society as a whole.

The uninitiated man will burn down the village just to feel its warmth.

African proverb

So, on the one side, there are men who are aggresive, self-centred, violent and/or sexual predators. On the other end of the spectrum are men who are unable to assert themselves, afraid of their own masculinity, unable to stand-up for themselevs or others. The latter are often “nice guys” but, unfortunately, nice guys with no backbone will not stop their aggresive counterparts from burning down the village.

But this does not need to be a world of either wolf or sheep. When men learn to feel their grief, to transform anger and to overcome fear, they become kind and capable men.


How to get in touch

You can call, text or email AB here:


 +34 641 246 761